Simple Tips and Ideas to Clean and Organise Kids’ Bedrooms


If you have kids between the ages of 2 and 12, you will also have a bedroom (or multiple) that is messy beyond reason! Of course, this comes as no surprise since young kids are typically overactive while still developing a sense of responsibility and/or learning how to pick up after themselves. However, regardless of where your kids are at (on the self-disciplined scale), it’s up to you clean and organise their bedroom efficiently which, in turn, sets a good example for them to follow as they get older.

Now, a couple of questions come to mind when organising and cleaning a child’s bedroom: “where do I begin”, “what is the best way to organise toys and clothes”, “how can I keep the room clean”, and so on. Well, we will be answering all of these, and more relevant questions, in the form of tips and ideas to clean and organise different areas of your kid’s bedroom efficiently. Read on!

Key Features for Organising Toys 

Walk into any kid’s bedroom and it seems like toys take up most of the space. The problem here is that if you do not have a well-organised system in place, those toys are going to end up all over the room. To solve this problem, here are some key features for a child’s bedroom that will help keep his or her toys organised.

1. Under-Bed Storage

The space underneath beds should never be wasted! After all, every home can use a little extra storage space, right? For children’s bedrooms, under-bed storage is perfect for organising board games, large toy sets, and other toys that are not played with on the regular. Compartmentalised pull-out drawers are the best and most convenient way to go, however, some bed frames may require in-built storage which can be accessed from underneath the bed plank. 

2. Categorised and Labeled Containers

Every child’s bedroom needs to have labeled storage containers to organise toys by category. Without these trusty storage units, it is difficult to go about organising, let alone keeping toys in order. Depending on the number of toys, their dimensions, and categories, as well as available space, you can purchase different types/sizes of storage containers that can be placed on shelves, in cabinets, or stacked up on the floor. They keep toys stored neatly and ensure that there is always a place to put them after your kids are done playing.

3. Shelves for Stuffed Toys

Considering the fact that many stuffed toys are big and bulky, storing them in closets or containers may not be the most logical option. Moreover, showcasing a range of teddy bears and other stuffed animals is a great way to decorate a child’s room. Therefore, shelving stuffed toys on the wall (around the room) is a great way to keep them organised while also adding a playful, kiddy factor to the bedroom!

4. Hanging Shoe Organiser

If you’re stuck for ideas on how to organise barbie dolls and action figures, a hanging shoe caddy is your answer! They come in all kinds of fabrics and designs (including durable plastic which is easy to clean), and vibrant colours that will brighten up your children’s bedroom! The ideal spot to hang one of these organisers is behind the bedroom door rather than cramping up wall space which is needed for other storage units and decor. Apart from kids’ toys, there are many other uses for shoe caddies around your home! 

Cleaning Up Your Kid’s Bedroom 101

It’s very important to maintain a clean and sanitary bedroom for your children as they spend a whole lot of time on their hands and knees while playing. Moreover, as much as you teach them “clean = good, dirt = bad”, all of that goes out the window when they’re having fun! So, when it comes to cleaning your children’s bedroom, you need to be thorough, safe and work wisely. Here are some great tips do just that!

1. Tidy Up First

If your kids are still getting into the habit of putting things away, you will most likely find yourself having to pick up after them before you start cleaning. Make sure that everything is back in place, especially toys lying on the floor that you could trip over. 

2. Use Eco-Friendly Cleaners

It’s important to minimise the amount of chemicals your kids are exposed to, both indoors and outdoors. Apart from choosing chemical-free toys, the types of cleaning products used around your home (especially in your children’s bedroom) should be child-safe or environmentally-friendly. Alternatively, you can make a range of natural homemade cleaners that are very effective in cleaning up different areas of a home.

3. Clean Furniture with Antibacterial Spray

Kids have a tendency of putting their hands in their mouths, as well as toys and just about anything they can get their hands on! So, rather than dampening a cloth with plain water to remove dust when wiping furniture, use an antibacterial spray to sanitise surfaces in your kid’s room. From bedside tables and study desks to bed frames and doorknobs; be sure to pay close attention to items or areas that are frequently touched. 

4. Vacuum Floors, Walls and Upholstery

Typically, you would come in, vacuum the floors, and mop thereafter (if you don’t have carpeting). While floor cleaning is a must, many parents tend to neglect regular cleaning of walls and upholstery, believing that there isn’t a need for it. This, in fact, is far from the truth as dust collects just as much on walls and upholstery, as it does on furniture. Moreover, many children suffer from allergies and/or asthma which makes dust a major trigger for attacks. A vacuum cleaner with the right attachment heads is perfect for cleaning corners, upholstered furniture, curtains, and walls. 

5. Clean When Kids Aren’t Around

A Cleaning Service in Vancouver says “The best time to clean and tidy up your children’s bedroom is when they are at school or not in the house.” This is because you can get a lot more work done (and faster) without having them interrupt you or go in and out of their room. On the other hand, it’s important to teach your kids how to clean and organise their bedroom by themselves; use the weekend to supervise them as they do age-appropriate chores to keep the room neat and tidy. 

Organising Kids Clothes

Believe it or not, organising your children’s clothes is a lot easier than most people think. The only time it gets difficult and frustrating is when parents attempt to organise without sorting through clothes first. More often than not, clothing items that no longer fit kids are stored in their closets, taking up much-needed space. With that said, organising your kids’ clothes also requires smarter ways of storing them. Use the tips and ideas below to ensure that your child’s clothes are always organised efficiently and promote a positive learning environment

1. Categorise > Colour-Coordinate

When it comes to categorising, you need to be clear about what clothing items go together. This means clearly separating pyjamas from play clothes, casual wear from formal wear, and so on. If you decide to club two or more categories together, it will be tougher to keep clothes organised; however, it is still possible. On top of this, storing kids’ clothes by colour is also a great way to keep them organised. This makes it much easier to find items, as well as store them away. 

2. Compartmentalise for Neater Storage

Going one step further to compartmentalise clothes within a closet or dresser will make a world of difference in organising! There are different ways to do this, in fact, some kiddy closets have in-built compartments making it easier to organise. However, you can always install store-bought drawer dividers and/or containers to serve the same purpose. Shelving is also a great addition to closets, and having enough space to hang clothing items is ideal for organising formal attire. 

3. Install Hooks/Baskets Inside the Closet Door

To avoid taking up closet space with your children’s personal belongings, install hooks/baskets or narrow trays on the inner side of the door to store items such as belts, bags, scarves, hats and the likes. It is a great way to utilise dead space in a small closet while making sure that things can be put away in an orderly manner. 

How to Keep Kids’ Bedrooms Clean and Tidy

With the amount of activity that goes on in a kid’s bedroom, things are bound to get untidy and, for the most part, that is okay. Particularly when children are playing with toys, you can’t expect to walk in and find the room neat and pristine! However, between playtime and other activities in their bedroom, neatness should be maintained. How do you do this, you ask? Here are some tips to help you achieve that.

1. Make a Play Area

Rather than have your kids running around the entire room and leaving trails of toys as they do, make a separate play area and encourage them to confine toys and books to this space. If you’ve got the space, you could enclose one corner of the room with a plastic fence and make a little playpen out of it (even if your kids aren’t toddlers anymore). Of course, a colourful carpet on the bedroom floor can also serve as their play area; that’s one of the perks of being a parent, you get to make the rules! 

2. Use a Trunk for Temporary Storage

An accessible trunk on the floor is perfect for teaching young children to pick up after themselves. All they need to do is pick up their toys and put them in the trunk after they are done playing. This way, you don’t have to go out of your way to put the toys in their rightful storage spaces immediately. Of course, as your kids get older, it is advisable to do away with the trunk and have them put the toys back in their designated places. For now, however, a trunk will help keep your children’s bedroom tidy. 

3. Keep Basic Cleaning Tools and Products in the Room

Sometimes (or most times), having the tools and products within your reach is just the motivation you need to quickly clean up your kid’s bedroom. For this, you will need to keep basic cleaners and tools in the room and, more importantly, out of your child’s reach. On top of a cupboard or a top shelf is ideal for storing these items. There is no need to keep too many products/tools in the room; all you need is a dust cloth, antibacterial spray, and a handheld dustbuster (for upholstery or picking up crumbs off the floor). 

NOTE: A thorough cleaning of your kids’ bedroom should be done every alternate day if not daily; the tip(s) above is merely meant for spot cleaning or a quick clean-up when you are pressed for time.

With the tips and ideas listed above, you can say goodbye to stress and frustration when cleaning and organising your kid’s bedroom!

Karen Saunders


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