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Everything You Need to Know About Cleaning and Maintaining Outdoor Teak Furniture

Beautiful, long-lasting, and sturdy – these qualities alone are enough to make teak wood a great choice for outdoor furniture. Of course, it doesn’t stop there; owing to its high level of natural oil content, teak wood can withstand the elements while retaining its appearance and durability for years on end. Having said this, teak outdoor furniture, like any other wood, requires routine cleaning using the right products and methods in order to be kept in tip-top condition. Although you can find a lot of information online on how to clean teak wood furniture, a lot of the time, the methods aren’t very effective. Even worse, you could potentially

How to Clean Unseen and Hard-to-Reach Places in Your Home

As if regular home cleaning wasn’t enough, you’ve got those pesky hard-to-reach places to worry about too. The thought alone is enough to tire you out but the good news is that it needn’t be done on a daily basis (unlike regular house cleaning). Removing the build-up of dust, grime, and mould is not just aesthetically pleasing but helps maintain a healthy house environment, free of pollutants and allergies. This includes both, unseen and/or hard-to-reach places. 

So, for those of you who have intentionally or unintentionally skipped over these areas/things, we’re sharing 10 hard-to-reach places you need to clean in your home on a monthly basis at the very least.

Productive Things to do in Quarantine… So You Don’t Become a Couch Potato!

Suddenly you have all this extra time on your hands and don’t know what to do with it; well, you’re not alone! It’s been happening to the best of us ever since the COVID-19 pandemic brought the world to a standstill. Of course, some of you may be going back to work soon (if not already) while others continue to work from home. One thing, however, remains the same – now, more than ever, people seem to have more free time at home since going out to public places comes with a potentially life-threatening risk. 

Currently, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Australia is rising in many parts of

Bad Habits That are Doing a Disservice to You and Your Home

Developing bad habits is a lot easier than kicking them! That’s because we become accustomed to certain habits out of sheer laziness and/or ignorance. Nothing good ever comes from habitually doing things that are taking a toll on your mental wellbeing, as well as the state of your home. Nevertheless, many people strive to do something about their bad habits while others, unfortunately, are unaware of the fact that they have them! 

Whether they’re caused by a lack of attention or subconscious actions; it’s time to take control of your bad habits and lead a better, healthier home life. So, in no particular order, let’s look at some of the

A Guide to Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Home Gym + Equipment

Think about it; the space you call your home gym is where you sweat it out, constantly touch equipment (with unsanitised hands), wear shoes that are probably worn outdoors, and often pay less attention to where cleaning is concerned because you’re going to hit the showers as soon as you’re done working out. Well, a ‘regular’ cleaning routine for your home gym probably overlooks a lot of areas that harbour germs, or simply does not include the right cleaning methods and solutions required to thoroughly kill bacteria and sanitise the space and equipment. Given the current crisis the world is facing as COVID-19 continues to spread, an unsanitary home gym

Post-Quarantine/Lockdown: How to Keep Your Home Safe from COVID-19

As countries begin to relax lockdown restrictions and cities like Sydney and Perth begin to reopen, people all over the world are trying to figure out the best ways to adjust to the ‘new normal’ while keeping the two most important factors in mind – how to prevent getting coronavirus, and how to keep your home safe from contamination. In fact, with more people going back to work and being able to move around in public more freely, the need to exercise extreme caution for one’s own safety from the virus is imperative. On top of this, there may be skeptics out there who aren’t taking the situation as seriously

DIY Car Cleaning Guide: How to Clean Your Car Interior + Exterior

Owning a car is a lifelong dream for many individuals. In fact, so many kids work part-time jobs while they’re still in high school to save up enough money to buy their very own set of wheels!

Regardless of when or how you got a car of your own, we can all agree that there is a certain level of attachment owners have towards their car which very few other material things can come between! This excessive love and admiration for one’s car lead owners to take every possible measure to maintain the vehicle’s working condition and, of course, its appearance! While many opt for a wash or car cleaning

Cleaning Tips: 10 Quick Fixes to Clean Things in a Jiffy!

Every now and then, something or the other needs to be cleaned, and more often than not, you don’t have the time for it. So, you either leave it be or end up spending a lot more time on cleaning than you can spare. It’s basically a lose-lose situation because in both cases you’re either compromising the item (by not cleaning it) or sacrificing something else that requires your time and attention. So then, what is the solution here?

It’s never a good idea to leave things dirty for too long because once dirt, stains, or odours set in, they become a lot harder (or impossible) to remove. Nevertheless, today

Why You Should Clean and Sanitise Your Kids’ Toys and How to Do It!

Kids love their toys as much as parents love their cars and other extremely valuable possessions! That’s because, for kids, toys ARE valuable possessions that they never want to part with (until new ones come along, that is). Still, there are some toys that kids grow particularly fond of which stay with them for many years. These, along with toys that are played with on a daily basis, require frequent cleaning and sanitising because they harbour germs which can make your kids sick. 

Unfortunately, a lot of people are under the impression that toys which are played within a crib or on a clean surface remain free of bacteria because

9 Simple Steps to a Clean and Organised Attic

In homes across the country, an attic is an integral part of the house, one where extra storage is almost always available! Unfortunately, homeowners rarely pay their attic a visit, thus causing it to accumulate dust, moisture, mould, and rotting wood (in case of wooden beams or stored furniture). 

Although most attics end up cluttered and messy, they are not meant to be store rooms for junk. For many, they hold a collection of nostalgic memories right from your own childhood toys to your son’s first pair of soccer shoes or your daughter’s first barbie doll. Now, imagine all of those beautiful memories sitting up there in a room full